Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Creating Global Variables

A global variable is available to all Campaigns. In Variable Manager, you can create global variables in the Variables tab.


  1. In the Variable Manager dialog, open the Variables tab.
  2. Click the button at the bottom of the screen. The Create new Variable dialog opens.
  3. Propagation Level: This attribute is the propagation level of the variable and refers to how the variable is stored in the database:
  • Campaign: This option means that in any given campaign there is only a single value for that campaign. For example - a campaign variable of campaign category would allow the campaign to be classified as a certain type, for example upsell or acquisition. Another example of use is campaign brand, for example Brand X, Brand Y and so on.
  • Recipient: This means that the variable value will be the same for a single recipient across all campaigns For example, Campaign Manager creates a recipient level variable called 'CM_EngagementScore_AutoAdjust' the campaign process interacts with this variable to increment and decrement based on how engaged that customer is. Therefore, at any one time John Smith will only have one value for engagement score.
  • CampaignRecipient: This is a variable where the value for a single recipient may differ across campaigns. This type of variable can be used within campaign cells. For example a global campaign recipient variable called offer code would allow John Smith to have offer code 10% in Campaign A, and 20% in Campaign B. The same variable is used each time, but on a campaign by campaign basis can be set to different values for the recipient.
  • Raise events on value change: This box is available for Recipient and CampaignRecipient variables. Selecting this box will enable the variable for use in trigger processing within the campaign. Variables that have this box checked will appear on the Triggers tab of the campaign. The variable can then be configured to generate an event when the value of the variable changes for a recipient.
  1. Name: Provide a name for the variable that is globally unique
  2. Type: Select the field type:
    • Text
    • Numeric
    • Date
    • other
  3. Add to Email Manager As: This setting is used to determine the data storage path for Send a Message tactics sent to Email Manager.. The options are:
    • List: The default value if Campaign is selected as the propogation level. This cannot be amended.
    • Recipient + List: The default value if CampaignRecipient is selected as the propagation level. The default value can be amended to Recipient if required.
    • Recipient: The variable can be used in crosstab reports, but only when the data type is numeric
    • Detail: The default value if Recipient is selected as the propagation level. The default value can be amended to Recipient + List if required.
Note: If the global variable is used on a tactic other than Send a Message this information will not be sent to Email Manager.
  1. Default Value: The possible values can be derived from a database column or you can manually enter a list of choices:
    • Database: Click into the column field and select the required column. You can also drag in a column from the Database Explorer.
    • Manual Choice List: Enter the variable choices, separated by a carriage return, each on a new line. You can then select one of the choices from the drop-down to be the default value.
    • Import from Excel Choice List: Click the Import from Excel link. Note that the Excel spreadsheet must contain a CHOICE column, and the Excel column must be defined as text format. Note that if using a URL in the choice list the URL must be fully formatted, for example If the URL is not fully formatted then the choice list will not pass validation.

When either manually editing or importing from Excel, you can add to the choice list after the Global variable has been used in a campaign. The values cannot be edited or deleted, and the default value cannot be changed.

  1. Click Create.
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